The HSJ Care Closer to Home Forum unites 100+ senior leaders working across the NHS and wider system to discuss how integrating care and expanding community services can improve patient outcomes and reduce hospital admissions. This event will enable delegates and sponsors to identify new value adding partnerships and opportunities across the systems.

Partnership opportunities at an HSJ Forum are limited to ensure that both event partners and attendees derive the expected value and experience. If your aim is to be seen as a leading supporter of the drive for health equity and improved outcomes, get in touch.

As a partner, you unlock a range of benefits, including:

  • Access to influential and otherwise hard-to-reach NHS decision-makers: Network with and influence 100+ clinical and strategic NHS leaders, all with a united goal of expanding primary and community services to optimise patient outcomes 
  • Exclusive insight into the challenges your customers and prospects are facing, enabling you to position your organisation at the centre of delivering solutions  
  • Positioning as a thought leader as you sit on a panel alongside senior NHS leadership, or develop personal connections through hosting a small-group discussion  
  • Presentation as a true partner to the NHS in an inclusive environment that welcomes opinions, challenges and suggestions from all parties onsite, enabling you to put forward solutions in a consultative manner 
  • Dedicated support from our specialist events team in maximising your ROI and impact at the event 

Fill out the form below to download the HSJ Care Closer to Home Forum partnership opportunities brochure: